Attenborough School


What makes Attenborough an Accredited School?

A large percentage of children who attend Attenborough School are from military families. Pupils generally stay in the school for a period of two years before moving and therefore pupil mobility is significantly above the national average. In addition, we have a large amount of diversity as families may join us from commonwealth nations or from Nepal as Gurka soldiers.

Maths mastery and the resources that Maths — No Problem! provides have been a crucial part of our ongoing success since 2019. We have a consistent approach to teaching each lesson which is mirrored throughout the school. This helps new pupils joining our classrooms to quickly make progress in the subject.

logo for Attenborough school

School at a glance

  • British School following the English National curriculum located in Germany
  • Part of DCS Schools (Defence Children’s Services), a collection of schools across the globe educating pupils from military families
  • Small primary school of about 100 students with significantly higher mobility than average

“Our headteacher recognised the importance that having a high-quality scheme of learning could have on both teacher’s pedagogy and wellbeing as well as pupil attainment” – Ed Parkinson, Maths Leader & School Senior Leader

In Their Own Words

Our Maths – No Problem! Journey

In 2019, we found ourselves in a unique situation — we were a first school about to become a primary school and, at the same time, there was a large change in staff and senior leadership. This provided us with an opportunity to rebuild the school’s values, curriculum and ethos from the ground up.

We embarked on a journey to find a progressive, high-quality scheme of learning in 2019. We wanted to ensure consistency for pupils from year to year as well as promote high levels of fluency, problem solving and reasoning. This was essential with our pupil mobility being so high.

After examining a range of programmes, we decided to trial Maths — No Problem! and since then, we haven’t looked back. We’ve been building on our successes year after year.

Maths — No Problem! in our School

The planning and lesson resources that are included with Maths — No Problem! have helped to achieve a level of teaching consistency across all of our classes.

Pupils who join us during primary school or midway through a year group will quickly learn the expectations of the scheme, because the structure for teaching with Maths — No Problem! is clear. As a result, we typically see a great level of progress among all of our learners.

We use maths journals as an integral part of our lessons in KS1 and KS2 and these provide our pupils with a way to explain their reasoning and understanding about the concepts we are teaching. We have shared our way of teaching with partner schools in our organisation and have supported them on their journey towards implementing a mastery approach using Maths — No Problem!

School Contact Details

Contact Name:
Mr Ed Parkinson, Maths Leader

Attenborough School, Sennelager, BFPO 16, Germany

Phone Number:
0049 5254 982 2698

