Our Lady of Pity School
Wirral, UK
What makes Our Lady of Pity an Accredited School?
Our Lady of Pity are Singapore maths pioneers and have been leading the revolution in maths teaching across Merseyside for many years. In that time they have supported more than 100 schools to improve their maths teaching. Their commitment to the approach is driven by a social imperative to improve the maths confidence of as many teachers as possible.
What we found particularly interesting was how they use this exploratory and collaborative teaching approach to maintain teacher job satisfaction and retention. Also of note is their collaboration with Cumbria University on one of this country’s first research studies into the impact of Singapore maths on teachers’ mindsets.

School at a glance:
- Vibrant two-form entry Catholic school of 420 students
- Early adopters of Singapore Maths
- Trained over 100 schools in implementing Singapore Maths approach
- Currently extending mastery practice training and outreach to secondary schools
- Rated by Ofsted as “Outstanding”
“You will see teachers with robust subject knowledge. You can only facilitate effectively if your subject knowledge is sound.”
– Mark Cotton, Principal
In their own words
Our Maths — No Problem! journey
Our journey began 2014. One of our key members of staff was curious about the performance of Singaporean children and wanted to investigate further. As part of our research we met with Andy Psarianos, founder of Maths — No Problem!, and then invited Dr Yeap Ban Har to come to Wirral to discuss the pedagogy surrounding the teaching of mathematics in Singapore. From that moment we knew this was something we wanted to engage in.
Following the initial training with Dr Ban Har, we led a working party of schools in the Deep Learning TSA to engage in lesson exploration using the textbooks. During this time the group spent time developing expertise in delivering lessons using the Maths — No Problem! Singaporean mastery approach.
The Maths Hub textbook trial provided the missing piece of the puzzle because it provided a well-thought-out, well-designed textbook that supported both the teacher and the pupil. Incorporating our research and learning with the expert textbook gave us the confidence to fully embrace the approach.
Maths — No Problem! in our school
Every child at our school has a textbook and workbook and we all follow the three-part lesson structure. Our pupils are very keen to talk about their learning and are very positive about their maths lessons. One pupil said:
“The textbook is really great. I just wish I could take it home!”
We have come a long way from that initial meeting with Dr Yeap Ban Har. Through the Deep Learning TSA we offer training, co-coaching and a place where other teachers can come and witness the Maths — No Problem! Programme in action. Once visitors see pupils confidently learning about maths, talking about mathematics, reasoning, loving it they will understand the benefits of the approach.
We are creating opportunities for the children at our school that they otherwise would not have had and we know that when they get to secondary and the demands placed on them are tougher, our pupils are really well prepared for that.
School contact details
Contact name:
Andy Ash - Maths Subject Lead
Our Lady of Pity School
Rigby Drive
CH49 1RE
Phone number:
0151 677 6262
Email Our Lady of Pity School
Visit Our Lady of Pity School Website