Muscliff Primary School
Bournemouth, UK
What makes Muscliff an Accredited School?
Muscliff Primary School’s maths mastery journey began with a Year 1 and Year 5 trial of the MNP approach in 2016. The success of that trial led them to roll the program out across the school in the following academic year. The passion for the approach has been obvious from day one and the teaching staff have picked it up with enthusiasm, having gone through extensive CPD and training in the MNP approach.
From hosting parent and networking events to frequently responding to outside school requests to come and see their mathematics education in practice, Muscliff is doing incredible work to help make maths better for everyone.

School at a glance:
- Large all-through primary ~630 pupils
- 2017 Key Stage 2 results: ARE+ @ 84%, GD @ 30%
- Above average SEND
- Rated by Ofsted as “Good”
In their own words
Our Maths — No Problem! journey
We are in our 3rd year of implementation of the MNP approach, having rolled it out across the school (Years 1-6) after a successful trial for Year 1 and Year 5 in 2016-17. Even before implementing MNP resources in the classroom, our approach has always been to embrace the teaching for mastery pedagogy. For this reason, our teachers have attended many MNP courses and workshops such as MNP bar modelling, MNP fundamentals course, MNP mastery course with Dr Yeap Ban Har, MNP networking events with Wimborne Teaching School and many more.
In 2018, our former Maths Lead attended two in-depth mastery courses with Dr Yeap Ban Har and the 2018 MNP Annual Conference. The key messages from our collective experiences with MNP have always been brought back into Muscliff and integrated into our understanding of how best to use MNP resources and techniques.
This is why we had such success at the outset of implementing the programme across all year groups. Our staff were well-versed in the pedagogy and practical application of maths mastery and their success has translated directly to increased attainment, enjoyment, and mathematical fluency at every level in the school.
MNP is fundamental to our maths teaching at Muscliff, and we love it! Our journey has been supported at every step with engaging MNP CPD courses and valuable links with other MNP schools.
Maths — No Problem! in our school
Teachers at Muscliff now operate an open-door policy for other schools interested in seeing how MNP works in our classrooms. They are also increasingly confident in their maths delivery. That confidence has translated into manipulatives and mathematical discussions becoming a feature of every maths lesson, supporting the pursuit of conceptual understanding alongside procedural fluency.
We’ve incorporated pupil voice surveys that indicate very positive learning attitudes towards maths since implementing MNP, including high levels of enjoyment and confidence. Displays in every classroom feature MNP characters, and each lesson seeks to promote mathematical thinking around narratives based on MNP materials.
We have established a strong relationship with St John’s (Wimborne), an MNP pilot school, and built a wide network of collaboration with other schools using MNP in the local area (Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole). We have a strong reputation through this network, as a school that is excited to share what it has learned; and local schools often request to visit Muscliff to see MNP in action (Christ the King, Christchurch Juniors, St Katherine’s, Jewell).
We’re excited about MNP. It has significantly helped increase our reading test outcomes too, with summative data projections higher for this year – especially for Greater Depth! We can’t wait to see what else the future holds with MNP in our school.
School contact details
Contact name:
Ross Deans – Maths Lead
Muscliff Primary School
Broadway Lane
Phone number:
01202 549654
Email Muscliff School
Visit Muscliff School Website