Stanton St Quintin Primary School
Chippenham, UK
What makes Stanton St Quintin an Accredited School?
Stanton St Quintin Primary School is a place where every child is encouraged to reach their potential. When we visited, we saw how engaged the pupils were and how much they enjoyed learning maths. We could also see how teachers achieved this: high standards, research-based teaching and a commitment to empowering teachers and pupils alike.
We were impressed at how teachers managed mixed classrooms. In a class with Year 3 and Year 4 pupils, we observed that some pupils engaged in guided practice while others worked independently. It was clear that everyone knew their role and was comfortable in their environment.
Since switching to MNP they’ve seen a significant improvement in the school, with results above the national average. They recognise the value of a mastery approach and are happy to share their insights with other schools.
![Stanton St Quintin School Logo](
School at a glance:
- In 2017 100% of pupils achieved the standard for Maths at the end of KS2 (a rise of 16% from 84% in 2016)
- An above average progress score of +4
- KS1 results have also risen with 85% achieving the standard in 2017
- Mixed-classes school
- Rated by Ofsted as ‘Good’
“By inspiring and empowering all staff and pupils to champion the school’s new vision for maths we secured excellent achievements for all pupils.”
– Sarah Mathews, Assistant Headteacher
In their own words
Our Maths — No Problem! journey
Several years ago, during a period of change and uncertainty, we began the quest to seek a maths approach that was research-based, engaging and most importantly supported and challenged pupils to achieve their potential. After careful evaluation we were certain that Maths — No Problem! would achieve our aims and deepen children’s understanding through a lesson design that valued mastery and used high-quality materials. So, in September 2016 we fully adopted MNP and started a journey filled with excitement, learning and new challenges.
At the time, our maths results were not in line with our English results and Ofsted identified maths as an area for improvement. One of our biggest challenges was how to deliver MNP in mixed age classes and this is something we continue to adapt, test and refine. The CPA approach transformed maths learning across the whole school.
Maths — No Problem! in our school
In the three years we have been using MNP, our children’s outcomes have improved overall but we’re most proud of the increased enthusiasm and enjoyment of maths learning within the school. This year, our pupils’ confidence, fluency and understanding led them to become County Champions in the Wiltshire Mathletics Competition and runners up in round 2 of the Nrich National Young Mathematicians’ Competition. The children were complimented on their approach to problem solving using bar modelling and notably their ability to reason.
Another important factor of our success is strategic leadership. By inspiring and empowering all staff and pupils to champion the school’s new vision for maths we secured excellent achievements for all pupils. Key actions included organising MNP training for staff so they had the skills and confidence, as well as knowledge and understanding of how to deliver this new approach and the rationale behind the thinking. We also held parent workshops to engage parental support, and ensure all key partners in the child’s learning were involved.
We regularly monitor and evaluate for impact through in-depth data analysis, lesson observations with specific targets, work scrutiny and professional dialogue with staff and pupils. Another priority has been to support and build capacity in team members and we’ve done this by joint action planning, team teaching and coaching.
Our maths subject leaders attend local and regional maths meetings and share their MNP experiences. Colleagues within our local cluster have been to our school to see teaching and learning in maths using MNP. We believe that we are still on a journey and recognise the importance of sustaining and developing outstanding practice.
School contact details
Contact name:
Sarah Matthews – Senior Teacher
Stanton St Quintin Primary School
Stanton St Quintin
SN14 6DQ
Phone number:
01666 837 602