World’s End Junior School
Birmingham, UK
What makes World's End Junior an Accredited School?
One of the things that stood out most about World’s End was their attitude to inclusivity. Their ability to overcome the challenges of teaching maths to children with special needs within a whole-class mastery environment — including a child being taught maths in braille as part of a mainstream lesson — is truly impressive. We also observed great maths teaching from a newly qualified teacher, which demonstrates the impressive CPD and support given to staff throughout the school.

School at a glance:
- Three-form entry junior school of 300~ students
- School includes a visually impaired resource base
- Teaching maths mastery for over three years
- Rated by Ofsted as “Good”
“Our passion for teaching for mastery can be seen by the vast amount of CPD we deliver with a teaching for mastery thread.”
– Claire Craddock. Deputy Headteacher
In their own words
Our Maths — No Problem! journey
When the national textbook trials began, although not directly involved, we watched with interest. When we saw the huge impact it was having on the children, we decided we needed to get involved. The three-day training with Dr Yeap Ban Har inspired us and really was the springboard into our teaching for mastery journey.
When the England-China project gave us the opportunity to observe teaching for mastery in Shanghai for two weeks, we were delighted. The visit consolidated what we had learnt and we are now fine tuning our approach. We trialed the new learning, and continually reflect on our practice using Lesson Study, coaching and mentoring, team teaching, planning support and evaluating work in journals and workbooks.
We have now successfully implemented Maths — No Problem! textbooks and workbooks in every year group, and have higher than national end of KS2 results (both at age-related expectations and exceeding). We believe this is due to the Maths — No Problem! approach. Our internal tracking demonstrates that outcomes in all year groups are equally good.
Maths — No Problem! in our school
We work tirelessly to support teachers to ensure that teaching is effective. We also strategically place new or struggling teachers with outstanding practitioners to ensure rapid development.
Our passion for teaching for mastery (TFM) can be seen by the vast amount of CPD we deliver with a TFM thread and from the feedback we get from it. Our Maths Centre of Excellence is specifically for delivering such CPD.
As well as seeing a positive impact on maths attainment, we have seen a positive impact on children’s enjoyment of maths, shown by these comments from our children:
“The books and equipment break down the questions making it easier”
– Ava
“Maths — No Problem! is fun and challenging”
– Regan
“Maths — No Problem! makes you realise different ways. You can learn how to represent, solve and see. The journals and the workbooks really help us”
– Lily
School contact details
Contact name:
Claire Craddock – Deputy Headteacher/Maths Lead
World’s End Junior School
Worlds End Lane
B32 2SA
Phone number:
0121 4645913