International teacher teaching maths mastery to primary school students

Retain Your Best Teachers

Through High-Quality Training

Teaching mathematics to children in an international primary school setting is incredibly rewarding. It can also be overwhelming and daunting.

We know that many excellent teachers lack confidence in their own ability as mathematicians. Too often, these teachers are still using ineffective, old methods, resulting in learners not achieving their full potential, and worse, believing they are not able or capable mathematicians.

We can help.

Academy is a series of high-quality, practical, online teacher training for delivering effective Primary maths lessons to all, regardless of perceived ability.

Guided Tour

Unlike other teacher training resources, Academy is at the heart of our programme, not created as an add-on. It features master teacher trainers at the very top of the training profession with years of classroom experience underpinning their approach.

The Academy is a clear sequence of videos for your teachers to work through alone, in pairs or in small groups with their mentors.

Teachers feel confident to teach the programme and are developing their pedagogy along the way.

– Michelle Brown — Principal, Waipipi School, Aukland New Zealand

Teachers get full access to six online courses for a range of levels — from those just starting out with mastery to those who want to focus on a concept such as fractions or an approach such as differentiation.

They also get full access to six video series which include recorded lessons, talks, presentations and hints and tips. These are ideal for support staff and school leadership as well as class teachers.

In all, Academy contains more than 140 videos and some 30 hours of high-quality, practical content. It is laid out in a user-friendly way to make it easy for your teachers to engage with the resources whether they are travelling to work, at home or in school.

Part of a comprehensive maths programme or suitable as a standalone professional development tool, Academy is the best investment you can make today in your maths offer.

By subscribing, you will motivate and retain your existing teachers and attract the best teacher candidates by demonstrating your understanding of the importance of quality maths training.

To learn more about Academy or to sign up for school-wide access, book a meeting with our International Education Consultant Jeff Guilbault.

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