4 free maths teaching apps for primary learners
Not every maths app will help your child develop and maintain their maths skills at home. We’ve rounded up our top four free maths teaching apps to support the home learning efforts of parents and caregivers.
So much of what we do involves technology, and maths education is no exception. Since it’s inevitable that our children will spend a significant portion of their time on devices, how can teachers make this time as valuable as possible?
Well, we’ve made it easy! Here’s our top four free maths apps to support primary learners.
1. Sushi Monster: Help learners practice addition and multiplication
Sushi Monster is an app that helps learners practice, reinforce and develop mathematical fluency in an engaging and challenging way.
How to play Sushi Monster
Plates of cartoon sushi are placed on the counter with different numbers on them. The counter is shaped like a circle and a hungry sushi monster sits in the middle. The sushi monster reveals different numbers and the learner must choose 2 plates of sushi to make the correct equation. Choose the correct plates and the monster gets to gobble the sushi!
The app offers a variety of different levels. There are seven addition levels and five multiplication levels. It’s easy to use and offers an engaging platform for learners to practice their number knowledge. We like the way it’s different from other apps, requiring learners to give the equation rather than the answer, further developing the learner’s number sense and understanding of structure.
2. Moose Math: Help learners practice foundational maths skills
Moose Math by Duck Duck Moose is an app that teaches counting, addition, subtraction, sorting, geometry and more.
How to play Moose Math
Maths skills are practiced in five fun settings with characters called ‘Dust Funnies’. Your child can learn to count and practice solving addition and subtraction equations by following smoothie recipes in the Moose Juice Shack, or learn different shapes and colours by sorting through items in the Lost and Found. As learners progress through the levels, they earn new rewards to help them build and decorate their own city.
This app is useful for practicing foundational maths skills. If you have learners aged 2–7, then Moose Maths could be a perfect addition to the family device.
It includes a report card to keep track of learners’ progress. The app allows learners to practice the following skills:
Count by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Master counting to 100
Addition and Subtraction
Add and subtract by 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s
Add and subtract up to 20
Learn to add and subtract with numbers, dice and rekenrek racks
Learn to identify and recognise shapes
Understand and compare lengths
The key skills practiced in this app will support any early years and foundation level curriculums. The app provides a variety of learning experiences that will keep your child engaged and having fun with basic concepts. It’s a winner!
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3. Math Slide: Develop learners’ instant recall of basic maths facts
Math Slide is an all-time favourite app at home or in the classroom. Its main focus is on developing instant recall of basic facts.
How to play Math Slide
This app is for learners aged 6–12 and can be played individually or as a multiplayer game.
The app has a number of different versions: addition and subtraction, place value, and multiplication and division. Maths games are included, each with a specific focus.
For example in the addition and subtraction version, children practice:
Representing doubles and pairs to 10
Doubles up to 10, pairs that equal 10
Doubles up to 10, pairs that equal 10
Representing number facts up to 10+10
Addition facts up to 10+10
Subtraction facts up to 10+10
Addition and subtraction facts up to 10+10
Number facts with answers to 20
Pairs of number facts: 6 + 7 = 8 + ?
Triples of number facts: 6 + 5 + ? = 15
This game is fast-paced, competitive and lots of fun! Players sit on either side of the device and each player will have a selection of number tiles. An equation will appear in the middle of the screen and the first player to slide the correct tile into the middle wins a point.
Think ‘snap’ with an upgrade! It’s maths fun for the entire family.
4. Multiplication Math Flashcards: Practice basic facts for all four of the operations
Although the name suggests this app is for practicing multiplication only, it actually offers basic facts practice for all four of the operations. You’ll find three different practice games: flashcards, quizzes and a memory matching game.
How to play Multiplication Math Flashcards
The app can be customised to suit a learner’s level or focus, and it aims to reinforce learning through the use of audio as well as visuals. As learners touch a flash card they will hear the equation read aloud.
This app is versatile and provides opportunities for different learning stages. There’s an option of practicing at your own pace with the flash cards or competing against the clock to win points in a speed quiz.
Digital learning is an ever growing trend and an important part of children’s education, both at school and at home. These apps will help children practice instant recall of their basic facts and consolidate learnt number concepts all under the guise of fun!