Teacher Qualification Programme

Become a certified primary mathematics teacher.
With three levels of professional certifications in the Qualification Programme pathway, led by maths mastery experts, begin with the first step — your Fellow Teacher qualification.
The World’s Most Comprehensive Primary Mathematics Qualification Programme
Join 2000+ of the world’s brightest minds in education. Discover and learn new methods of teaching. Our all-in-one qualification will put you on top with the leading educators.
Qualification Levels
Qualification Courses
Teachers in the Programme
Meet the Trainers for the Qualification Programme

Andy Psarianos
As one of the first to bring maths mastery to the UK, Andy is specialized in curriculum development and passionate about revolutionizing mathematics education. Andy is the founder and CEO of the award-winning mathematics textbook brand Maths — No Problem! With knowledge on the improving maths education, he has helped schools all over the world raise attainment levels — igniting a love for maths in children and teachers.

Adam Gifford
Former primary school headteacher and the first primary mathematics specialist leader of education in the UK, Adam is skilled in implementing maths mastery. He was the strategic primary lead for the Maths Hub pilot programme at the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) and has experience working with Teaching School Alliances. Now, Adam is Head of Product at Maths — No Problem!

Louise Hoskyns-Staples
Author of the Maths — No Problem! Insights Assessment Paper, Louise has a breadth of knowledge on maths mastery. Highly qualified, Louise has been an executive primary school headteacher where she successfully introduced Singapore Maths mastery curriculum, a former researcher for the Department for Education, the head of the School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), and more. Louise is currently Maths Subject Specialist at Maths — No Problem!

Dr Andy Ash
Maths Hub Lead
Not only is Andy Maths Hub Lead for Cheshire and Wirral, but he also leads maths across a multi-academy trust in the Northwest of England.

Claire Craddock
Deputy Headteacher
Claire is Assistant Maths Hub Lead for Central Maths Hub and an active Cohort One Mastery Specialist Teacher.

Helen Hackett
Maths Executive
Helen is Mastery Lead for Central Maths Hub, a Cohort One Mastery Specialist Teacher, and has previously worked with NCETM.

Dr Jeremy Hannay
Maths — No Problem! Teacher Guides Author
Currently headteacher of Three Bridges Primary School, Jeremy has led training for schools and school leaders across the UK and Europe.

Alex Laurie
Lead Trainer
A primary school teacher trainer, Alex joined the Maths — No Problem! team with the belief that New Zealand schools would benefit from maths mastery.

David O’Connell
Head of Teaching and Learning
David has been teaching maths mastery for nearly a decade and has hosted maths mastery Open Days, welcoming national and international schools into his classroom.

Ben Tudor
Deputy Headteacher
Ben is a Maths Specialist Teacher, a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE), and an Assistant Maths Hub lead for Primary for the North-West One Maths Hub.

Emma Valério
Deputy Headteacher
Emma, 12-years experienced in teaching across the age range, is a maths mastery expert with a Postgraduate Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring.
Get a New Qualification as a Primary Maths Leader

Most primary school teachers receive around 20 hours of mathematics instruction during their initial training, which is often seen as insufficient.
This lack of depth can result in teachers lacking the confidence and expertise needed to teach mathematics effectively.
The teaching and learning landscape changes constantly — targets change, policies change. Each class is different and every pupil has their story.
Stay on top of effective practice with the three qualifications of the programme, and learn from world-leading teaching professionals, academics and curriculum architects.
Your Pathway to Success

Three qualifications: from Fellow to Master
The Teacher Qualification Programme offers a structured pathway for educators to enhance their skills in teaching mathematics. Starting as a Fellow, teachers can progress to Expert, and then to Master level, each stage requiring more credits, broader impact and deeper expertise.
This journey allows educators to demonstrate their growing proficiency, from classroom effectiveness to school-wide influence, and ultimately to community-level leadership in mathematics education.

Fellow Teachers are confident in teaching mathematics mastery. They understand what works and why it works.

Expert Teachers are very experienced, demonstrate impact, support colleagues and have expert content knowledge.

Master Teachers are leaders in the community. They work across schools and demonstrate significant impact.
Explore the Qualification Courses

Qualification courses are held face-to-face across England, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Occasionally, we run courses in other countries. Courses range from three consecutive days to two days, with an interim task and whole day courses.
The pathway starts with the Fellow Teacher qualification, which requires The Essentials of Teaching Maths Mastery course.
The Essentials of Teaching Maths Mastery

Three days face-to-face
This course is your gateway to becoming a Fellow Teacher.
Immerse yourself in the essential elements of a world-class mathematics mastery programme: explore lesson structure, key concepts, representations and assessment strategies, and engage with experts and colleagues — all to empower you to make meaningful advancements in your classroom and school.
Advanced Courses

10 dynamic courses towards leadership
Delve into the critical elements needed to be a leader and mentor of a successful maths mastery team. These courses prepare Fellow Teachers to take on expert and leadership roles, as well as to become Expert Teachers and Master Teachers.
Immerse yourself in the dynamic world of primary maths education and dive into teaching to competency. Explore curriculum mastery, study pedagogical expertise and learn how to derive meaningful analytics from empirical data. All these skills will equip you with the knowledge necessary to apply these concepts in diverse education contexts and to mentor others.
Who is this for?
Policy Makers
Make important policy decisions, based on a sound understanding of pedagogy.
Leaders of Education
Be an influential leader and motivate others to implement research-based solutions.
Be an effective teacher with a sense of pedagogy and content.
About the qualification programme

When you enrol in our qualification programme, you move step-by-step along a carefully structured pathway of expertise.
Our three levels of qualification tell others you are proficient with a set of standards and that you have a skill set which is immediately recognisable.
Ready to get started? Enrol in The Essentials of Teaching Maths Mastery Course

Start your journey towards becoming a Fellow Teacher
Multiple dates and locations to choose from:
Already taken The Essentials of Teaching Maths Mastery course?

Get your Fellow Certificate now
Just complete a short form, and we'll send you your certificate:
Already hold a Fellow Teacher certificate? Enrol in an advanced course

10 courses to work towards your Expert or Master Teacher Qualification.
Multiple dates and locations to choose from:
How can I pay for the courses?
You can pay by credit card or we can send an invoice to you or your school.
Will I receive a certificate?
Yes, you will receive a certificate of completion for each qualification course you successfully complete. You will also receive a certificate when you become a Fellow, Expert or Master Teacher. You will not receive certificates for Enhancement Courses or Inset Training.
What happens if I change schools?
You will need to supply us with basic information about yourself when entering the programme, including your teacher reference number (TRN) if you can provide us with one. This information will help us uniquely identify you and ensure that your credits always remain allocated to you.
How do I get my qualifications once I have completed the necessary courses?
You will need to fill out a simple form, supplying us with some basic information so that we can verify your credentials.
How do the qualifications compare to PGCE or QTS?
You need to already be a qualified teacher in your jurisdiction in order to qualify for any of the Maths — No Problem! qualifications.
What do the course credits represent?
In order to attain a qualification, there is a minimum number of credits required. It is important to know that not all courses have credits associated with them.
How long does it take to become qualified?
The Fellow Teacher qualification can be done by simply taking The Essentials of Teaching Maths Mastery course and applying afterward. The higher level qualifications require more courses and a portfolio to acquire your certificate.
Can I work at my own pace?
There are no specific time requirements for completing the necessary courses to fulfill the qualifications.
Can anyone take a course?
Yes, but in order to get any of the qualifications you need to be a qualified teacher in your jurisdiction.
Do you receive credits for inset training courses?
Credits are only awarded for face-to-face Qualification Courses and, unless previously agreed, Inset Courses do not award credits. If you are interested in running a Qualification Course as an Inset Training Day for your school, get in touch with your Customer Service Representative or send an email to training@mathsnoproblem.com.
Do the online courses count towards qualification?
No, only face-to-face Qualification Courses allow you to accumulate credits towards a Maths — No Problem! Qualification.
What does successfully completing a course mean?
In order to successfully complete a course, you need to attend all days, be fully engaged and complete all of the necessary course work.