Collecting evidence for KS1 maths moderation
If collecting evidence for KS1 maths moderation makes you go: What? How? When? You’re not the only one. Here’s what to keep in mind when planning for moderation, so you can make judgements with confidence.
As the summer term kicks off, most of us will be collecting evidence for KS1 maths moderation. If you’re feeling a little behind, have questions, or need a refresher — this post is for you.
What if the evidence you’ve collected doesn’t cover the TAF?
Firstly, don’t panic! The evidence you have so far might not cover the teacher assessment framework (TAF) strands because tracking and collating evidence is an ongoing process. Revisit your long-term plan to see when strands are being taught so you can work out how to collect the evidence you need.
What if the evidence you’ve collected isn’t enough?
Evidence collected earlier in the year may not be enough to show that a pupil has met a standard. As your pupils progress, they may be ready to show that they can ‘demonstrate an understanding of place value’. Try to build in enough time to give pupils more chances to show that they have met a standard.
What is appropriate and acceptable evidence?
When collecting evidence for KS1 maths moderation, independent evidence may come from a variety of sources.
- Formal test results like a successful response to a SATs test question can show that a pupil has grasped the knowledge or skill.
- Organised journals provide a portfolio of evidence. A top tip is to reference the TAF strand on each piece of relevant work.
- Workbooks constitute evidence from ‘normal classroom practice’ for schools using textbooks. You will need to signpost instances where the worksheet hasn’t been completed independently.
- Chapter ‘Review’ sections can be used for evidence, generally allowing a period of time to elapse after having taught that chapter.
How much evidence do you need to collect?
There are no set rules, but it is generally agreed that you need to have three pieces of evidence per TAF strand. However, this is not mandatory, a single piece of evidence may work.
It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the KS1 teacher assessment exemplification document. Some key points from the document are:
- The materials provide examples of pupils’ work to support teachers in making judgements against the statutory TA frameworks for mathematics at the end of Key Stage 1.
- They illustrate how the ‘pupil can’ statements in the frameworks might be met. They do not dictate a particular method of teaching or the evidence expected from the classroom.
- If teachers are confident in their judgements they may choose not to refer to these materials. The materials are provided to help teachers make their judgements where they want additional guidance.
How can you be confident in your judgements?
Moderation events let you see how other teachers interpret the TAF.
Internal moderation
If you are part of a several form entry school, then compare your assessments with your year group colleagues.
If you teach in a smaller school, discuss ‘starting points’ and ‘end points’ with colleagues in adjacent year groups. Colleagues from the year below will be able to give feedback in terms of progress. Colleagues from the year above know where the children need to get to by the end of the year.
Speak to your leadership team about getting this in the diary as soon as possible.
Informal moderation events
If your school is part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT), umbrella trust or has access to local authority training, there may be moderation events you can attend.
This can be a useful experience when collecting evidence for KS1 maths moderation so long as everyone approaches the event with a supportive mindset. You are looking for evidence rather than proof. There might be gaps because topics haven’t been taught yet , or there may be strands that need more evidence. Neither of these examples would prevent a child from being assessed at a particular standard, as the evidence compilation process is not yet complete.
Remember, moderation isn’t about judgement
Collecting evidence for KS1 maths moderation can be daunting — it might feel like there’s a judgement of you. It can become a personal judgement in a public arena.
Although the quality of teaching and children’s work are linked, the purpose of moderation is to benchmark judgements. Stand your ground on your own assessments and use any moderation event as a chance to learn from other teachers.
Linking your programme of study to the TAF is essential in Year 2. If you are using Maths — No Problem! there’s a useful coverage map that references TAF strands in the Year 2 Workbook (produced by a Jurassic Maths Hub work group). To help you in this process, download Joe Jackson-Taylor’s mock moderation design which includes challenging questions as well as teacher response scripts.
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